Sunday, October 27, 2013

Albuquerque - the Center for Contemplation and Action

I never in a millions years thought that I would come here, but here I am.

Before we left for this trip, Roberta called and asked if we would be visiting the CAC - Center for Action and Contemplation. This is Fr. Richard Rohr’s home base, which he started some decades ago. Oh no, I said. I wouldn’t subject John to that. Taking him to the Christ in the Desert monastery will be enough.

I’ve been a big Richard Rohr follower for decades. Since the 1980s I’ve been listening to his cassette tapes. From Richard I learned about the enneagram, how to understand what 12 step programs were all about. He offered me a version of Catholicism that resonated with me and that I could hold on to while what was offered at the local parishes felt so uncomfortable. I met Richard at a Pax Christi retreat in Miami once, and his person confirmed his authenticity to me. He was no charlatan.

Eric and John used to make fun of how much I listened to Richard Rohr. But to this day, I still like being on the road with Richard Rohr, and continue to keep up with what he is preaching.

It’s early afternoon and we’re heading into Albuquerque. Our plane doesn’t leave until early the next day. We were going to turn in our rental car and hang out in an airport hotel. John asks if I want to go over to the Richard Rohr place. I put the address into our GPS system and we’re on our way.

I was very pleased with the neighborhood in which the CAC is located. It was like the Riviera Beach neighborhood in Florida where we live. Ethnic, poor. We were greeted most graciously by Alicia(?), the current administrator of CAC. She essentially gave us the freedom to look around and do whatever we wanted.

Everything is very simple and pleasing.  This is the meditation room.

 St. Julian's Hermitage ...
 John really liked this door ...

 A peace pole on the grounds ...

 Etched over this doorway: "known or unknown … God is".
 A little Marian Grotto ...

Alicia then told us to feel free to check out the "school" that was a couple of blocks away.  It took me awhile to remember that they are establishing a school, grounded in the Christian mystical tradition, that might help people to develop a more contemplative awareness.  

Here are some photos from the school.  The same simple and quiet atmosphere:

 some whimsy ...

 more whimsy ...
 … another peace pole ...
A Franciscan cross ...
 … with rosaries hanging on it! ...


  1. What a blessing for you (and for me) that you were able to visit CAC! It is good to know Rohr is no charlatan. How I regret not attending his lectures here in Montreal a few years ago.

    1. I think that you either relate to Richard Rohr, or you don't. I don't find too many people who are middle of the road about him. He has a certain tone that rubs some people the wrong way. He is an enneagram 1 (like me) so I understand his critical nature.
