Thursday, October 24, 2013

Blanding, Utah and the Abajo Mountains

Leaving Natural Bridges, we need to find a place to stay for the night and there is not much around.  The snow covered mountains that we spotted after climbing out of the canyon and up onto the Colorado Plateau are still in view.

There is also a ridge up ahead that we need to get across, but it looks like there is a way through (rather than over) …

 On the other side of which we see the mountains again ...
 … and are led into the very sweet and quiet town of Blanding Utah for the night.
These are the ABAJO Mountains - also called the Blue Mountains.


  1. Those mountains are so lovely! They look kind of blue on the horizon. Glad you found a nice place to settle in for the night. I guess towns are few and far between.

    1. We had been following those mountains half the day, Barbara … cool to sleep at their feet. Blanding was a very sweet little town. There are towns around, and you can always find them if you have a map!
