Tuesday, October 15, 2013

On to Durango

We needed to do some serious driving to get up to Durango ... again, more magical landscapes, seemingly changing around every corner ...

 Meanwhile, the bathrooms along the way are closed! I ended up peeing behind the bathroom building. John says that all the truckers could see me.  This is what it has come to: old ladies peeing behind buildings.  Stupid Republicans.
 Getting closer to Durango ...
 Finally there.  Great to see godson Greg!
 Greg takes us to a great little place in downtown Durango ...
 Any place that has this many bicycles parked in front has to be good!  Lots of young people and good thinking and living in Durango.  A unique American town and treasure.
 This was our room in Durango, a place where we parked for some much needed R&R.  I had a urinary infection that needed some tending, our clothes needed to be washed, and there was a day of driving rain and snow!!  We loved the Adobe Inn in downtown Durango.  John still can't believe it was just $85 for 2 nights!
 Had lunch in the saloon at the Strater Hotel ...
 A bleak day.  Good for staying put ...

And wonderful, wonderful Greg.  Almost 35 years ago we carried him down the streets of Brooklyn NY to a church for his baptism.  He is now an all together, sweet and strong man who knows his own gentle heart and has the courage to follow it.  An honor to be his god parents!


  1. A wonderful end to what must have been stressful (alhtough scenic) day. What a blessing to meet up with your godson.

  2. Yes. We are very blessed with Greg and all of our family.
